Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Road to Hana" Drop-Outs

So, we recently visited Maui. It was the last island Dave really wanted to visit before we leave this beautiful off we went....and it was gorgeous. The first 2 days we enjoyed the beach out our front door. Starting at 5:45am every day. Yep, 5:45am.

Hard at work on their sand castle 

I love Briella's face in this pic.

Seriously in love with this little girl's hair

An awesome blow hole we found on our hike along the ocean

Resourceful love: Your husband finding someone elses' heart with their initials in it, and rearranging the initials to be yours.

Gorgeous sunset on the beach

They hate the beach

Enjoying our solitary one else was cool (read:stupid) enough to do the hike in the pouring rain.

How Landon keeps quiet...

Dave really wishes he never had a baby girl

Caption: Life as the mom of 4 children

Our last day there we had planned about 8 hours to do the "Road to Hana". We read up on it, planned which hikes we were going to do, and which mile markers to stop at. It was going to be awesome. And it was. Until mile marker 2. At which point Izak said he was about to throw up. So Dave ninja jumped over the seats to quick grab Izak a ziploc bag in which to throw up. At mile marker 4 Dave started to feel sick. At mile marker 6 I started to feel sick. And by mile marker 8 Landon was threatening to Izak had to relinquish the ziploc-throw-up-bag to Landon. This was the point that Dave and I looked at each other and started laughing. And for the next 15 minutes (which was how long it took us to go 1 1/2 miles) Landon was yelling at us to, "Quit laughing and just get me some water before I throw up!". So....we managed to make it to mile marker 10 where we did a hike. In the POURING rain. Declared ourselves "Road to Hana" drop-outs and turned our pathetically-weak-stomachs around and headed back down the mountain.