Monday, September 1, 2014

And then I try to play catch up...

This past week marked exactly one year since we arrived in Germany. I can't believe it. We have LOVED this past year. I continually feel like I am living someone else's dream. As anyone who knows me well knows, I have no imagination. NEVER did I imagine this would be my life. But how extremely grateful am I for it. I am recommitting to documenting our adventures here because I want to remember it all.

So, here is to catching up on the past year....

One day we took the kids to Playmobil in Nuremberg. It is kind of like big legos. I'm having a hard time remembering if they sell them in the states?? The kids had a blast. They had so much fun stuff to do.

I believe this is the spot where Dave told them this was Legoland, since they have been begging to go to Legoland for a while now.

I think Briella could've stayed here all day. She LOVED loading up the bucket and sending it up. 
I was waiting for someone to fall in the river. Surprising (disappointingly), no one did. 
The boys had a blast climbing all over this big ship. They were even allowed to climb to the top of the poles.
This would be an awesome deterrent to bad behavior....

Getting their climb on.
Germany has so many fun outdoor things to do! This was one of the last nice weekends we had before winter set in.