Sunday, April 14, 2013


After the Big Island, we jumped on a plane and headed to Kauai....we got a hotel right on the beach and had the most gorgeous weather while we were there! 

Our first stop was Waimea Valley, which is considered the "Grand Canyon" of the  Pacific, I believe. It was gorgeous.

Notice no pictures of Landon...I'll explain about that further down...

This beach was absolutely gorgeous, and the sand was so fine and soft. Dave HATES fine ends up EVERYWHERE and is really difficult to get off. 

Every beach we go to, Dave and the boys dig a toddler-size hole and stick Briella in it. They then fill it with water and she absolutely LOVES it. It's hilarious.

We all survived staying in the same hotel room. Wasn't sure how it would go down with two baby girls...but everyone actually slept amazingly well and there were no issues. It was really fun.

We went on a GORGEOUS hike along the Na Pali Coast. It was one of the most beautiful settings ever.

I love how Briella is poking her little head out in this one. She and Lolo did awesome on the hikes.

Izak wasn't super excited about this hike. But then his genuis mom asked him what level he was on in Super Mario Bros. and he was a happy camper explaining all about it for the remaining miles. systems-the way to any boy's heart. 

And then we all hopped on a plane and Lolo and I went to Utah for a quick trip where Lolo was reunited with her long-lost sisters.

We had such a great time on our trip to the Big Island and Kauai. But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows (get it---all there is in Hawaii is sunshine and rainbows:) I know, I'm hilarious), so here for your reading pleasure are a few "Keepin' It Real" moments that may or may not have been experienced while on our vacation....

1. Briella screamed the ENTIRE flight from the Big Island to Kauai. Not just screamed, but flopped and flailed her little body. I overheard the (single-with-no-children) girl behind me say, "Good thing this flight is only an hour, huh?".
2. Landon is not pictured in the above Waimea Valley pictures because he was too busy laying in the back of our car recovering from his violent puking. Lets just say the road up to the Valley was VERY windy. Poor kid.
3. One parent might have been overheard saying to the boys, "If you continue to make this day miserable for me, I promise I will make it just as miserable for you guys as you are for me." (Mom. Of. The.Year.Award....pending)

Overall, it was an awesome experience! We have loved our time here in Hawaii!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome. Thanks for adding the "real" moments at the end so I know you are still normal. Wish we could visit you before you move!
