Sunday, July 7, 2013

Awesome Parenting at It's Finest.

As I'm sure you will soon find out, there is no order to this blog (but our lives are TOTALLY in order and super calm and collected, so no worries)....

Warning: After reading this post, you may feel like you might never measure up to the parenting bar which we have set for you all. Just remember, everybody has their talents. Yours just might not be as awesome as ours.

While packing the last few things to get ready to travel (alone! super awesome!) with all 4 (which is the new 10, mom) of these cute kids to Utah, here is the conversation that Izak and I had.  Keep in mind this conversation happened about 2 hours before heading to the airport. At which time the kids would have to say goodbye to Dave for 2 1/2 months.

Izak: Mommy, I'm super nervous about my swim team tryouts (he was going to try out for the swim team, for the very first time, a few hours after we landed in Utah).

Me: I know Izak. I would be too, but all that matters is that you do your best. As long as you do your best then even if you don't make it, it doesn't matter and you can just take swim lessons instead.

Izak: If I make the team, I'm super excited for Daddy to see me swim at the swim meets.

Me: Oh, well swim team will be over before Daddy gets to Utah.

Izak: What? What do you mean?

Me: (Holy crap!) Umm, Izak, you know Daddy isn't going with us to Utah, right?

Izak: (As he breaks down sobbing) He's not?! Why not?! When will we see him again?!

Yep. That's right folks. In all the craziness of trying to get everything done and shipped to Germany we TOTALLY forgot to explain to our children that their Dad would be M.I.A. for the summer.


Izak-after he made the swim team


  1. That's AWESOME! Poor kid. That's hilarious. I'm sure he's learning great coping strategies having you guys as parents. It really will do wonders for him! ;)

  2. Ok, that did make me laugh. I feel that awesome every day. How long are you guys in utah?! When will you come back?! Miss you. So sad that I missed you!! And congratulations to Izak! That is awesome.
